**NOTE - Due to industry-wide changes moving away from shared short codes to 10-digit numbers, if you have a dedicated number for your account use that 10-digit number in the shortcode tag to properly link the api to your account. For example, <shortcode>8885551122</shortcode>. Don't change the tag name or add a +1 to your number.
Add contacts – there are several options for adding a contact to your sms account from the api, including adding a single contact, web contact opt-in, adding multiple contacts, and multiple web contact opt-ins. A number collected from a web form needs to be added using the Web opt-in, this will send a text confirmation message to the number. That message will require them to reply YES before the number is added as a contact on the account. A web opt-in is required to be a double confirm to ensure they entered their own number and entered it correctly.
Delete contacts – use this to remove an sms contact if they no longer want/need to be on your text marketing list.
List contacts – use this function to pull a list of all current sms subscribers on the account.
Add group – this function will let you create a group on the sms text account (use groups to sub-categorize your list by employee type, location, interests, etc.).
List groups – to see a list of all current groups on your text message account use the list groups function.
Add contact to group – this function lets you copy a contact directly into a group – great for keeping your sms lists neat and up-to-date.
Remove contact from a group – this won’t delete the contact from the text marketing account but will remove their number from a specified group.
List inbox messages – use this sms api feature to retrieve all the inbound messages from your account, or set a date range to see only the most recent sms messages.
Send message – create and send custom text messages to all contacts, groups, or individual contacts.
Account balance – use this function to see the balance of messages currently on the account – keep in mind this balance changes every time there is a new contact added to the account and every time a message is sent out from your account.
Send Authentication – this is used for sms verification purposes, it does not establish permission to text people again but rather sends them a one-time text message with things like a password reset or verification code.
The TXT180 sms api demo page provides sample code for each of these functions to help with the api integration. The page also has error codes to help troubleshoot any issues you may encounter during the integration process.
The TXT180 api documentation document will provide the URL needed for our https xml post api. The only other information you’ll need is your api key and your account id – both of these will be available on your TXT180 dashboard; be sure to contact the TXT180 staff with a brief description of how you plan to use the api and any relevant information we will need to enable the api feature on your account. There is no charge to use the TXT180 sms api but we do need to make sure you are using it in a way that meets all sms laws and text marketing requirements.
Add contacts you collect with your POS (Point of Sale) system to your text marketing campaign, simultaneously.
Use the TXT180 sms api authentication to send a temporary password or account verification code to new customers or user locked out of an account.
Link your reservation system to your sms messages to send a text confirmation and reminder about an upcoming appointment.
SMS api integration with your web store is a great way to send a “Thank you” text when customers make a purchase – this also adds them to your list so you can send future specials and new product info to bring them back to your store for repeat business.
Use the TXT180 api to send a custom notification to your customers when an order is ready or has been shipped.
Using an sms api you can send custom auto-responders to every person that opts in – great for one-use custom coupon codes!
As you can see, the possibilities are endless!! Don’t have a developer, but still need integration? TXT180 just added Zapier integration as well! Use this to link your current software like MailChimp, Constant Contact, Google Sheets and thousands of others to your TXT180 account! Email support@txt180.com for more information!