- Questions? Contact the Team
- 877-989-8180
Setting up a client is easy and fast! In just a few minutes clients can be added by entering their company information, selecting their package and clicking create.
Add your logo and support contact information to your client’s control panel to customize it for your company. Choose your background colors and text color on your client’s control panel to match your website or logo with hexadecimal color options.
A reseller guide is available to all resellers to answer questions about the service abilities and how to use them effectively. Video tutorials provide a walk-through of using the reseller and client control panels.
The low annual cost allows for resellers to sign up and begin selling without the added pressure of monthly payments looming overhead. Once signed up for the low upfront cost, resellers can focus on selling their product at reasonable rates to make a profit, not cover costs.
Dedicated support for the resellers allows for timely responses and assistance with questions and issues that may arise.
Having full access to your client’s account gives you the full capability of servicing that client without wait times and delays while contacting support. Run a full service management for a client with the option of handing the account off to them if needed.
Access to white-label marketing guides, flyers, and videos for your clients to familiarize them with the service. Includes articles on text marketing reseller tips.
Buy rates are not charged until there is a client ready to sign up eliminating the high upfront costs of starting up. This allows for resellers to be profitable almost immediately without trying to cover for high start-up and monthly costs.
Inbound messages are at no cost! Receive as many inbound messages/opt-ins as possible. They are a great way to interact with and get customer feedback (must have message balance to send auto-responder or confirmation).
TXT180 offers a unique grouping service where your opt-ins can join a group directly. They can also receive a different auto-responder than the main keyword auto-responder. We are the only company that offers this feature. Which eliminates the need for multiple keywords if desired.
The scheduler allows the scheduling of recurring campaigns to go out daily, weekly or monthly and save time.
You can setup your own auto response message that gets returned to the customer immediately after they optin to your text marketing campaign. This could include a welcome message, coupon, or any message you like.
In addition to the website widget, we have a hosted website widget for those clients who don’t have a website or want an easier way to collect opt-ins. The hosted widget URL is located on the customer control panel and is simply a page with a website widget for subscribers to fill out and opt-in.
Clients who need to send a message from their phone can do so with our Mobile Send Message page. This page requires web access and is a mobile-friendly version of our send message page.
In addition to the default auto-responder sent on first opt-in, a series of auto-responder messages (up to 10) can be scheduled to be sent at specified intervals from when the subscriber opted-in.
Generate different QR codes for different marketing and advertising purposes. With the sms reseller QR code page, your customers can generate a QR code to send to URL, opt-in to keyword, or add contact to phone.
This platform allows the user to have unlimited subscribers. To market most effectively the need is to be able to reach as many people as possible and we do not set restrictions on how many clients an account can have.
To avoid costly overages we offer message bundles that never expire. These messages can be added to any account at any time.
To assist in the support of your clients campaigns we have a mobile marketing guide and video tutorials available to walk them through the control panel. For our resellers we offer video tutorials as well as phone and email support.
One keyword comes with an account and is unique to the account. There is no extra cost for your first keyword (first keyword is included on all packages). Additional keywords are available to set up on clients accounts. See Pricing page for details on buy rates.
The TXT180 web widget can be customized to match your website colors. We provide a small snippet of code which you place on your website and you can start to build your text marketing list within minutes right from your own website.
Your clients can enable a bar graph of their groups’ total contacts to track opt-ins. The graph can also be set to auto-refresh, allowing a real-time look at the opt-ins for group texting, voting, or polling.
If a customer tries to re-opt in to the service after having already been opted-in, an alternate message can be sent to them in place of the default auto-responder. This prevents duplicate coupon use.
Store up to 5 text message templates and load them when sending a text message to your subscribers! This is great for appointment reminders because a message won’t need to be typed everytime you send a reminder!
Questions? Give us a call. 1-877-989-8180 or Send us a message